
Friday, April 28, 2006


Two weeks ago I posted "A Primer in Conspiraloonacy" and mentioned it at Rachel of North London's blog, where it appeared to cause a furore because immediately the insults and stalking began with no attempt to disprove the thesis set out. Since then I have posted a quote from a Director of the Bank of England to support the thesis which sets out in plain English what a fraud the banking system is, and which also helps to explain how a global conspiracy can be managed and financed by a select self-appointed elite, because they can create as much money as they want for their evil, megalomaniac purpose; a world government which they control. Just in case people cannot understand the outrageousness, audacity and fraudulence involved in how money can be created by these self-appointed money masters I also provided three days ago an example of how this system works with The Bank of Fraud.

We in the UK now allegedly owe £1 TRILLION through personal debt to these self-appointed money masters. Or do we? If the banks etc are just creating the 'money' by printing paper or writing a number into a spreadsheet, what exactly do we owe? Perhaps more importantly, what does the rest of the world e.g. Africa, owe to these self-appointed money masters? Not one blog has disproved my claim, or even addressed it. Why? There is a suspicious silence on this subject in the blogosphere. Charles Clarke is in trouble for allowing over 200 foreign criminals to avoid deportation. Wow! Compared to the death that third world debt has caused, created by our sick banking system, that is nothing. Clarke may go, even Blair, to be replaced by another clone. Meanwhile the banks are continuing to create paper and electronic money, conning people and countries into thinking they are being loaned real physical money, when in fact they are being loaned thin air or paper. In return the banks want the world.

So, what's more important; Clarke, and even Blair, to go? Or to expose this fraudulent banking system and how it has been used for evil, megalomaniac purposes and, as Josiah Stamp suggests, to take that power away from the banks because if we don't they will continue to create credit for themselves to take control of the world and eventually you?

I have to say, I was suspicious. Now I am almost certain.

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