
Thursday, April 20, 2006


One of my favourite lines in Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11" is from a clip of an old cowboy film. One man holding a rifle and a cigarette in his mouth suggests to several others, and presumably regarding some rogues, "Let's shmoke 'em out".

I wish Moore would use his film-making talent to expose the banking system, in particular The Federal Reserve.

But I like it when upstanding, law-abiding citizens decide to rid themselves of rogue elements, with lines like "Let's shmoke 'em out". Sometimes they are so transparent and amateur.


  1. So are you trying to impress women?

  2. Er, no.

    You (I don't know how many of you rogues there are lurking around here now) seem to be the one(s) obsessed with women.

    I'm trying to get across to readers that the banking system is a huge fraud, that the people of this world owe virtually nothing to the banks, and that the power to create money has been placed in the hands of sick, evil individuals who are using that power for their own megalomaniac purposes, and who think nothing of ordering terrorist attacks to gain support for their wars.

    Have you got that now?

  3. No.
    I am one woman and two men, we are MI5 agents. We are not "rogues". There is talk of having you taken in. The prep is sick of having to watch you for 24 hours a day. We've all got other things to do.

  4. Just imagine what could have been avoided if, on receiving the info from the Saudis that Siddique Kahn was linked to a plot to bomb the London Underground, you had made a similar approach to Kahn, just to let him know he was being watched? But you didn't, did you. All that carnage on 7/7 could have been avoided. Tut, tut.

    Readers will know that I do not advocate or incite any violence. I am currently trying to encourage readers to write to the Bank of England to confirm the existence of fractional reserve banking in the UK, that is all, and then from there to find out how it has been used to finance major world events so that we find oursleves in the world we do today. I have recently provided a quote from a Director of the Bank of England who sets out in plain english how the banking system works and how it is being abused.

    I can understand your frustration when you say," We've all got other things to do.". I certainly hope you do have other things to do, like stop real terrorists instead of posing as anonymous bloggers.

    And if you are real MI5 this also shows that MI5 do indeed trawl the blogs posing as anonymous posters, and could be making all sorts of statements and suggestions on many other blogs as "anonymous" etc. THEY MAY EVEN HAVE BLOGS THEMSELVES.

    I also find it significant that you have chosen to reveal yourselves on this thread. But you can always pretend you are just schoolkids having a laugh too.

    And if I was a real terrorist would I risk attracting attention to myself by accusing your rogue fellow agents of allowing terrorism? Get real (and a brain). Is that why I'm being watched? Or is it because I want people to know they a owe sweet FA to the banks?

    I was watching Fahrenheit 9/11 again (with that "shmoke 'em out" scene). In one scene Moore tries to attract the attention of George W Bush. Bush shouts back at Moore, "GO FIND SOME REAL WORK!".

  5. Khan was in Burger King, he deceived us with a long wig.
    I don't know about fractional reserve, we have luncheon vouchers.
    Can anything be done ?
    No microwave suggestions.

  6. do people think truthman is a detective posing as inciter?
    waste of time
    next there will be an operation called operation conspiraloon
    ueless lot.
    is this the best they can do.

  7. What does "a detective posing as inciter" actually do?

    There can be agents provocateur at rallies and protests, posing as protestors. But then they start inciting the crowd to become a bit rowdy, things turn violent, and then the riot police have an excuse to steam in and beat the crap out of the protestors. We’ve seen it done before.

    Am I "inciting" readers to find out the truth about the banking system? And from there find out how the power to create money has been abused by financing and engineering major events in world history for megalomaniac purposes? If I am a detective [which I am not] what exactly am I "inciting"? I would say incite is too strong a word.

    I am encouraging readers to find out for themselves that they, the third world etc basically owe nothing to the banks because the banks create the money for loans, mortgages etc simply by typing it onto a computer system. How readers confirm that is up to them.


    But if readers are too afraid to write to the Bank of England themselves then what does that say about Police State UK?

    When the banking system is understood to be a total fraud and that certain self-appointed individuals can create, and have been creating, as much money as they want for their evil megalomaniac purposes while the rest of the world is in poverty then I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.

    But let’s muse a while and pose the question: if I was a detective, who could I be working for? Could I be working for a secret dept within MI5 shmoking out the rogues? Does such a dept exist? Who currently works for it? What do they know and suspect already?

    Only joking! I’m no more "a detective posing as inciter" than the Queen.

    If you haven’t done so already read

  8. Actually it was us again. You fell for it as usual. We are MI5.
    Incase we were unclear, Kahn deceived us in Burger King by quickly appropriating a judicial wig. Besides we were in the queue. He turned when we were paying for the milkshakes and put it on. He then fled.
    Incase anyone is suspicious about the Cherie Blair incidence. We paid for her wig, it was £125.00. We need £7000.oo from an extra departmental source for dealing with leaked information on the web. The BBC are making a needless fuss but try telling them

  9. Why has this thread attracted so much attention? It was intially a simple little post about a line spoken in a film.

    Let's see now, there appears to be a veiled threat to "have me taken in", an allegation that I some sort of "detective posing as inciter", and now "Anonymous" is talking about Cherie Blair's wig and leaked info on the web.

    Let's examine the original post to see if we can determine why so much attention has been paid to it;

    One of my favourite lines in Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11" is from a clip of an old cowboy film. One man holding a rifle and a cigarette in his mouth suggests to several others, and presumably regarding some rogues, "Let's shmoke 'em out".

    I wish Moore would use his film-making talent to expose the banking system, in particular The Federal Reserve.

    But I like it when upstanding, law-abiding citizens decide to rid themselves of rogue elements, with lines like "Let's shmoke 'em out". Sometimes they are so transparent and amateur.

    All I can see is that I am saying I like it when rogue elements are rooted out by characters in films, and that the text in the lines can be so transparent and amateur. I also say I wish Moore would use his film-making talents to expose The Federal Reserve, but I don't think he will because the Fed is the cash cow of the NWO and they wouldn't allow him to even shoot the first scene.

    So why would someone then 'pretend' to be MI5 and suggest there is talk of having me taken in?

    I'm scratching my head over the attention this little post has brought.

    Hang on, I've just remembered something. There was a break-in at Castlereagh a few years ago which destroyed some suspected evidence of State collusion in murder or torture or something like that in Northern Ireland. It was obviously an inside job. Some MPs then started talking about "cleaning out the stables" and "rogue elements". I wonder if that has anything to do with these suggestions of having me taken in? If so, what do they think I know? I'll muse over that while I paint my fence today.

    Good people, please, please, please discover for yourself that you, we owe the banks nothing. They create the money by typing it onto a computer. if you have MS Excel here is how simple it is; open a spreadsheet and in cell 1A type in your name, then in cell 1B type in 100,000. There, you now owe the bank £100,000 and must work, work, work to pay it off! It really is that simple, but very well hidden and they'd like it to stay that way.

    Now in cell 2A type in "Adolf Hitler", or "Saddam Hussein", and then in cell 2B type in a very large number e.g. 200,000,000. There, you have now given that dictator a lot of money to build a dictatorship.

    Now in cell 3A type in the name of your favourite charity, and in cell 3B type in a big, fat zero. Your favourite charity has just gone bust.

    That is basically how the banks work. A few taps on a keyboard and a warmongering dictator can be up and running. This happens. Meanwhile which charities will you see in your local high street begging for a spare 10p?

    But don't just take my word for it. Ask the Bank of England today.

  10. The car's out. You got the mail, he's in the back garden of the house with his paint pot. It's on camera 7. Formalities please. No trace.

  11. I've got it, he seems to be entering the back door of the house. To find a wig we assume. Is Tom at the junction yet? Has he been told about the wigs?

  12. Where are Tom and Gavin. We've lost contact.

  13. Just got Tom, remote signal. He's left the house, says they've both been directed to Clapham Junction by a man he taked with over a fence?
    I'm not aware, has anyone directed truthman to the junction?

  14. Charlie. Received. Was this man they found at the fence by any chance holding a paintbush and wearing a judicial type wig.

  15. As I just asked, why has this post received so much attention while the others, with a wealth of true information, have not. I just reposted two earlier posts and await your comments on them, whoever you are.

    But it's easy to hide behind "anonymous". You could be anyone; schoolkids, MI5 pretending to be schoolkids, or MI5 bloggers pretending to be schoolkids pretending to be MI5 trying to coax me into accusing everyone of being MI5 just like a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

    But I ask, why are you doing this? Why have you been pursuing this for days now, ever since a particular post about the Rothschilds? What sort of mentality would pursue this, let it evolve from calling me names to pretending you are watching me? What have you to gain from this?

    I can assume
    1. you are sick weirdos who have no money problems and couldn't care less about where money comes from or who controls it.
    2. you are really rogue MI5 pretending to be someone anonymous pulling some sort of prank, because I cannot understand who, when told how the banking system works, appears to be unconcerned and pursues this kind of stalking prank.

    Can you explain why you have been pursuing this for days now, and why you even started it in the first place? First it was verbal abuse, then it was suggestions I was only doing this to impress women, then there are veiled threats of bringing me in, and suggestions I'm a detective. This is devloping into some kind of stalking behaviour. What's next if I don't shut up?

    Readers, who would spend this much time, doing what they have done, hiding behind "anonymous" without addressing my points on how this world is run, trying to stop you from discovering how the banking system works and how it is used and abused for megalomaniac purposes?

    Who would do that? Weirdos? (but what have they to gain?) Or MI5 rogues pretending to be weirdos?

  16. In order to resolve this, please remind us how the world is run. Here, and not on women's blogs.

  17. Here is the MI5 decision.
    If you are prepared to stop being a focused stalker, an insensitive, rude abusive nuisance, a thread hijacker and a sex pest, we won't bring you in.
    We will vanish, you will never hear from us again.

  18. If all this was about going to end up with me being called names again then why go through all that crap about watching me? Is that psychological torture, or what? In my books it tends towards it, but it is definitely stalking. Sod off, you silly buggers and I'll repeat, "Go find real work", like breaking into places to steal sensitive documents or deciding which terrorist attacks to allow next.

    I assume we are talking of Rachel of North London, ok? I had not posted there for weeks. She arranges to meet the Home Secretary to discuss an inquiry into why people like you allowed, if not planned, the attack on 7/7 to occur. She posts her experience on an open thread. I then tell her I think that if she wants to get to the bottom of what happened on 7/7 then she is probably wasting her time because one of your fellow agents from centuries ago, Hempher, was sowing the seeds of Islamic Terrorism through a guy called Wahhabi, and that what is happening now was planned centuries ago for a clash of civilizations designed to bring about a world government run by the same people who are controlling the events i.e YOU!

    That's when the verbal abuse started, not by me, but others, and including Rachel herself. So what's a bit of verbal abuse between people seeking an inquiry into a bombing you allowed to happen? I had a joke with Rachel by pretending (you know) that I was a fruitbat when she posted asked readers to find a fruitbat and she posted a picture of a fruitbat.

    Due to her reference to "the lizards" I then posted "A PRIMER IN CONSPIRALOONACY" to explain to her and the others that it's not "the lizards" as she mocks, but is in fact about a bunch of self-appointed people who have given themselves the power to create as much money as they want for their evil, sick megalomaniac purposes while millions die from hunger and poverty, and that's when you and your fellow gimps started to stalk me.

    That is what happened. In what way was my behaviour
    1. insensitive
    2. abusive
    3. rude
    4. a focused stalker
    5. a sex pest

    The thread hijacker is debatable, but's that because The Moai brought a completely off-topic post from my blog to the thread which I had to defend.

    So just sod off with your psycho-torture stalking.

    I ask again, what sort of person(s) post anonymously pretending to be watching someone else and threatening to bring them in? The sort of people who allow, probaby even plan, terorrist attacks?

  19. truthman,
    Never mind those people.
    What perception do you think young people ought to have vis a vis world order, banking, bombings, and the Intelligence services?

  20. I've just re-read the whole thread. Someone posting as "anonymous" has been pretending to watch me and has twice suggested bringing me in. This is following quite a lot of verbal abuse which started after posting "A PRIMER IN CONSPIRALOONACY". Why?

    I have posted in reply to them as if they were MI5 because I couldn't miss the opportunity to raise a few questions about the conduct of elements within MI5 by writing as if it were them. Was it really them? Hmm.

    Still, the pretence that I was being watched and the veiled threats to bring me in are a little disturbing, quite possibly psychological torture. Who? Why? I'd say the psycho profile fits. Plus it all began with the primer and has developed over several days. It would appear that that particular primer post, along with the original post in this thread, hit a nerve in someone somewhere.

    I've posted the quote from Sir Josiah Stamp, former Director of the Bank of England, which sets out in plain English how the banking system works; the banks can and do create money with the flick of a pen (and now by simply entering a number into a spreadsheet cell on a computer).

    Armed with this incredible power of life or death it is easily provable that they were behind the major events of the 20th century, because they could finance them, and that these events were designed to bring about a world government. There is a rumour that there is a letter dated circa 1871 from Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini (or vice versa) in which a plan was set out for three world wars which would devastate the world into accepting one world government. The first two have occured as planned, and the third, according to the letter, was planned for the Middle East, and it would need to be real nasty. The current banter between Iran and the USA appears to be following the script, with talk of nukes and pain.

    That war is being revved up now as you read this. It can be stopped. The main actors in this war are all creations of British foreign policy; the Council on Foreign Relations-controlled USA, Zionist Israel and terrorist Islamic Fundamentalism. Zionism and terrorist Islamic Fundamentalism were created during the 19th Century. There has been cooperation between the USA and the British elite since about the same time, but the CFR made that formal after WW1. That's how long this goes back, if not further.

    So that's it. If you could create money what would you do? finance dictators and wars to eventually rule the world? Or finance medical research and charity and cancel all debt for a fresh start?

    Take a look around you to see which path these self-appointed money masters have taken.

  21. I've switched off anonymous comments now. The threats to "bring me in" and suggestions that I'm being watched have disturbed me a bit. And it is now being suggested that it was all done to stop me from posting at Rachel of North London (which I have no intention of doing now because all I get is, not sensible debate, but mocking, verbal abuse and now apparently psychologically-torturing stalkers pretending to be MI5. It's all very weird. I wonder who it was and what I said?)

  22. It was worth it though, I've learned a thing or two.
