
Sunday, May 07, 2006


If Blair is pressured into publicly stating a date for his stepping down, or if there is even a leadership challenge, the one who should not be leader is Gordon Brown.

As stated a few days ago in 1991 Gordon Brown was the first member of the Parliamentary Labour Party to be invited to the Bilderberg meetings in the 1990's.


What was so special about Gordon Brown that the banking elite would invite Brown six years before he became Chancellor of the Exchequer?

And why would Blair be invited 2 years later, in 1993?

Does this explain the relationship the two had/have? Do they know something we don't?

And why do these two occupy the two most powerful positions in government, and have had without too much scandal to remove them?

Brown is currently Chairman of the IMF International Monetary and Financial Committee, and has been for a number of years. Could he really be 'a man of the people' if he has been able/permitted to hold this position and be Chancellor of the Exchequer?

I don't think so.

But Brown has shown his true colours by selling our nation's gold on the market at times his money masters wanted and at cheap prices and thus not achieving the best market price.

This is what has been happening. For year the banks and central banks (all controlled by the same banking elite who run Bilderberg) have been running an unbelievable scam. The central banks have been loaning the private banks the gold at very low rates of interest e.g. 1% pa. The private banks then sell the gold and use the proceeds in businesses with a much higher return e.g. 40%. But in order for the private banks to make a profit when the gold is due to be returned to the central banks, and the private banks need to buy back the gold they sold, the price of gold needs to be approximately the same price it was when it was loaned to the private banks, preferably lower but not to have risen too much. So when the gold is due back another central bank would flood the gold market with physical gold, which lowers the price of gold, enabling the private banks to buy back the gold they sold at lower prices, which helps the private banks to make huge profits!

As if having the fractional reserve banking system wasn't enough?! This is just pure greed. They just can't help themselves. What force would do this?

This was a highly coordinated scheme and has been run for about a decade. It appears to have been rumbled now because the price of gold is rising rapidly and fast approaching the price it should be. A man called Reginald H Howe followed and documented this scam and filed a complaint on 7th December 2000 alleging gold price fixing and named Alan Greenspan, the Bank for International Settlements, JP Morgan, CitiGroup (Rockefeller) among the codefendants. You know, the usual suspects. The Golden Sextant website has been following this. It's most recent news bulletin states that the BIS has indeed admitted that it was involved in helping to fix the price of gold.

In February 2006, the Bank for International Settlements published the proceedings of its fourth annual conference held in Basel on June 27-29, 2005, as BIS Paper No. 27, Past and Future of Central Bank Cooperation. In his opening remarks to the conference and based on his eleven years of service at the Bank, Mr. White stated in part:

Before turning briefly to an assessment of past efforts and likely future challenges, it is perhaps worth spending a minute on what is meant by central bank cooperation (emphasis in original). I think that the terminology developed for domestic monetary policy might have some uses here; namely, the ultimate objectives, the intermediate objectives and the operational instruments. The ultimate objectives have always been monetary and financial stability, though clearly the focus of attention has often shifted over the years. The intermediate objectives of central bank cooperation are more varied. First, better joint decisions, in the relatively rare circumstances where such coordinated action is called for. Second, a clear understanding of the policy issues as they affect central banks. Hopefully, this would reflect common beliefs, but even a clear understanding of differences of views can sometimes be useful. Third, the development of robust and effective networks of contacts. Fourth, the efficient international dissemination of both ideas and information that can improve national policymaking. And last, the provision of international credits and joint efforts to influence asset prices (especially gold and foreign exchange) in circumstances where this might be thought useful. [Emphasis supplied.]

Do you remember Gordon Brown selling a substantial quantity of our gold reserves a few years ago, allegedly to raise cash for Africa, amid allegations that Brown had not made that much money, had squandered a national asset and should have sold at a different time? Well, that was part of this conspiracy to help the private bankers make massive fortunes by suppressing the price of gold at critical times.

So Brown should not be Leader of the Labour Party, or Prime Minister. He is just another stooge.

I would like to see somebody like Bob Marshall-Andrews as leader and PM. He seems to have his head screwed on. Get Marshall-Andrews and 'the rebels' in Whitehall.

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