
Saturday, July 01, 2006


Israel is on the loose in Gaza, hunting down the captors of Corporal Gilad Shalit.

But is this just an excuse?


There is already substantial evidence that Israel allowed the Palestinian commando raid at Kerem Shalom to take place in order to provide a pretext for such a pre-planned offensive. Olmert has still failed to respond to statements by the security service Shin Bet that it had warned the government and the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) that such a Palestinian commando raid was planned. Instead, he authorized an “inquiry” to effectively bury the issue while military hostilities proceed.

Israel’s ability to marshal 3,000 troops and 100 tanks in a couple of days indicates forward planning. The same is true of the West Bank raids by the IDF. These resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of 64 Hamas ministers and parliamentarians and 23 military operatives, including Deputy Prime Minister Nasser a-Shaer, Finance Minister Omar Abdel Razek, Labor Minister Mohammed Barghouti, Minister Samir Abu Aysha and Jerusalem Affairs Ministers Naef Rajoub, the brother of senior Fatah official Jibril Rajoub.

...Reporting on the raids, the Israeli daily Haaretz noted, almost in passing, “The arrests were planned several weeks ago and received approval from Attorney General Menachem Mazuz on Wednesday.”

So again, it looks like a terrorist action was
1. known of in advance
2. allowed to happen
3. taken advantage of

Does this sound like 7/7?

I mean, come on, a long tunnel is dug underneath an Israeli barracks and a soldier is kidnapped?!

Israel has bombed the infrastructure of Gaza, what little there was of it, so that there is the potential for a humanitarian crisis, as if there wasn't one already. Clean water, electricity, sanitation, all gone. This is why George Galloway went on Big Brother and also why he was and still is ridiculed for it.

But who cares when 22 men are kicking a football about?


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