
Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Blair's speech to the Lord Mayor's Banquet did indeed call for talks between Iran, Syria and the USA and UK, BUT WITH CONDITIONS.


On the contrary, we should start with Israel/Palestine. That is the core. We should then make progress on Lebanon. We should unite all moderate Arab and Moslem voices behind a push for peace in those countries but also in Iraq. We should be standing up for, empowering, respecting those with a moderate and modern view of the faith of Islam everywhere.

What is happening in the Middle East today is not complex. It is simple. Iran is being confronted over its nuclear weapons ambitions. Its stock market has lost a third of its value in the last year and foreign credit is increasingly hard to come by. The statements of its President - such as wiping Israel from the face of the earth - are causing alarm, even in Iran.

To be fair, they have a genuine, if entirely misplaced fear, that the US seeks a military solution in Iran. They don't. But we all want Iran to suspend its enrichment process which if allowed to continue, will give them a nuclear weapon. Under the agreement we brokered in June, the US has said they will talk to Iran direct for the first time in 30 years, if they abide by the UN demand to suspend enrichment. But Iran is refusing to do it.

Instead they are using the pressure points in the region to thwart us. So they help the most extreme elements of Hamas in Palestine; Hizbollah in the Lebanon; Shia militia in Iraq. That way, they put obstacles in the path to peace, paint us, as they did over the Israel/Lebanon conflict, as the aggressors, inflame the Arab street and create political turmoil in our democratic politics.

It is a perfectly straightforward and clear strategy. It will only be defeated by an equally clear one: to relieve these pressure points one by one and then, from a position of strength to talk, in a way I described in July in my speech in Los Angeles: offer Iran a clear strategic choice: they help the MEPP [Middle East Peace Process] not hinder it; they stop supporting terrorism in Lebanon or Iraq; and they abide by, not flout, their international obligations. In that case, a new partnership is possible. Or alternatively they face the consequences of not doing so: isolation.

The basic point I come back to, again and again and which I have made many times here - is that whether in Iraq, or Afghanistan or indeed combating terrorism here, these battles are inextricably bound together. It is a global issue. It needs a global response.

Paragraph 1: Exactly. Start with the Israel/Palestine conflict. Tell everyone how it has been engineered by certain circles in the Anglo-American Establishment and name names. Get Israel to "de-nuke" as suggested by The Strategic Studies Institute of the Army War College earlier this year. If this does not happen then completely diplomatically isolate Israel. Israel has the bomb. Israel has the military death machine and is invading and bombing its neighbours. Israel is building an apartheid wall.

Paragraph 2 : no wonder Iran's stock market has lost so much and money is leaking, being labelled part of "the axis of evil".

Paragraph 3 : I wonder why Iran has a genuine fear of invasion. Could it be because many US Navy ships and personnel are busy in practice operations in the Persian Gulf, including with aircraft carriers, and were filmed by an Iranian drone? And as for abiding by the UN, the USA has consistently vetoed resolutions against Israel.

Paragraph 4 : despite claims by politicians such as Blair and Rumsfeld US Marine General Peter Pace said he had no evidence that Iran was involved in Iraq. And as for Lebanon, it is now becoming clear that Israel provoked the kidnapping incident on the border and had planned the response to it a year before! And we allowed DU bombs to fly across our country to kill Lebanese civilians!

Paragraph 5 : no. We need to tell it as it is. We created Israel with the specific purpose of inciting Islam for a world war. We defuse that by not vetoing UN resolutions against Israel, by diplomatically isolating Israel, by wthholding Federal Reserve funds to Israel which sustain the barbaric Zionist state and its death machine. But above all, GET ISRAEL TO DENUKE!! Christ, Lieberman is one step away from the Israeli Prime Minister. Lieberman wants to nuke Tehran and can do so because Israel has the bomb, and we know that because we gave it to them!!

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