
Saturday, November 11, 2006


Please, please, please spread this post around.

World War 1 was not the fault of Germany. It was the British Monarchy and its agents, Freemasonry and British Intelligence.

FACT 1 : Freemasonry had condemned Archduke Ferdinand to death in 1912
FACT 2 : Archduke Ferdinand knew Freemasonry wanted him dead
FACT 3 : most of the group who assassinated Ferdinand were Freemasons, and they had consulted with Freemasons abroad about the assassination
FACT 4 : the assassins were also members of a group called Young Bosnia, which was a member of Young Europe, which was created by Freemason and British Intelligence agent Giuseppe Mazzini
FACT 5 : Kaiser Wilhelm II was told by King George of England that Great Britain would not get involved in any war, thus tricking Germany and Austria into pursuing a military solution
FACT 6 : but Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) King Edward VII had spent years diplomatically isolating Germany specifically for Germany's destruction
FACT 7 : so when Austria declared war the diplomacy of Edward VII fell into place and Germany and Austria were surrounded on the continental mainland
FACT 8 : so Germany enacted its Schlieffen Plan which the British knew about, and as soon as Germany set foot in Belgium the British declared war on Germany citing an obscure treaty with Belgium
FACT 9 : Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote in his memoirs that after the war he was told by "a distinguished Freemason" that Freemasonry had planned for the destruction of the German and Austrian monarchies.

Thus a network of revolutionary terrorists created and run by British Intelligence, assisted by Freemasonry, assassinated Archduke Ferdinand which, with Britain's indication that it would remain neutral, led to Austria declaring war and UGLE Grand Master King Edward VII's diplomacy led to the encirclement of Germany and Austria, which would ultimately lead to the desruction of Kaiser Wilhelm II as monarch of Germany as planned by Freemasonry.

You can dress this up with competing markets etc, but ultimately it was Freemasonry and British Intelligence, not Germany, that started the war.

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