
Friday, January 19, 2007

9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB : 2nd Edition

With some subtle changes, and an extra verse.

Oh no. What have they done?
What could they hope to gain?
Besides oil wells and more control
over thousands of mothers in pain.

It was blamed on a friend of the Bushes
in a cave in Pipelineistan.
So America went to war and invaded
to shmoke out that Mujahideen man.

But Osama bin Oswald had scarpered.
He’d been helped by the Taliban.
Who’d been financed by the Pakistani ISI
Who’d been financed by a CIA man.

There was trouble over a pipeline.
The Taliban weren’t playing ball.
They wanted too much money.
They were threatened that bombs would fall.

There was trouble too over opium
required for European smack.
The Taliban had destroyed most of the crop.
The bloodlines wanted their profits back.

Dick Cheney had told his oily pals
There exists an oily prize
And the cursed Middle East is where
that oily prize lies.

It has two thirds of the world’s oil
and low production costs,
he told the Institute of Petroleum.
Such profit must not be lost.

Dick Cheney co-founded PNAC
to expand America’s control
over our world’s natural resources
and men who would sell their soul.

On 9/11 he was in a bunker
running several terrorist drills,
but that shoot-down order never came
resulting in Pentagon kills.

Iraq was also invaded.
It’s oil had been nationalized.
But now it’s all going to Cheney’s pals
when that oily prize gets privatized.

So bin Laden did PNAC a favour
In September 2001.
They wanted “a New Pearl Harbour”
for multiple wars of aggression.

Oh, Osama! Where are you now?
Dick Cheney needs you to play
your one-man roadshow of death one more time
in the Good ‘Ol US of A

So 9/11 : Cui Bono?
Ask Nafeez Mossadeq Ahmed.
It wasn’t the Palestinians, that’s for sure.
It was oil interests instead!

Geopolitics is a bloody game
The ordinary man never wins.
He will fight and die in the mud and the sand
for his leaders lies and sins.

So where was the United States Air Force
on that murdered September day?
When United 93 was downed by a missile,
so several eyewitnesses say.

Responsibility for the Air Force lay
With that PNAC warmongering mob
So I’ve come to the conclusion that
9/11 was an inside job.

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