
Tuesday, January 16, 2007


The Jerusalem Post has a special feature on a post-WW2 loan agreement between the USA and the UK which would have helped the UK recover from the war. The Zionists wanted the USA to withhold the loan to force the British to change their policy on Jewish immigration into Palestine allow the many homeless European Jewish refugees to move to Palestine.

Palestine had been under British control since Versailles, and in the few years prior to WW2 there existed a transfer agreement between the Zionists, the Nazis and the British in which German Jews could move to Palestine. The problem for both the Nazis and the Zionists was that most German Jews, despite the Nazi government and its anti-Jew policies, wanted to stay where they were.

But that all changed after WW2...

Throughout WW2 the Zionists refused offers to help save the lives of Jews, refusing an offer of creating a homeland on British-controlled territory other than Palestine, and refusing to pay a ransom which the Zionists could have easily manufactured and printed, thus condenming many Jews to slavery and death. For them, it was Palestine or death (though it wasn't the Zionst leaders or their families who were dying).

This evidence that the Zionists were prepared to stop the UK from recovering from WW2 in order to populate Palestine, and Palestine alone, just shows how little they care for anyone or anything besides populating Palestine with Jews, an attitude which manifested in the terrorist attack on the King David Hotel, and also manifested itself in the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany as a military threat to the world.

"A Debt The British Paid - And One They Didn't" is at

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