
Saturday, February 03, 2007


Where will he get the money to pay that when he leaves No. 10? Do I hear the carpenters making a comfortable seat to fit Blair's bodkin in the boardroom of Blair Petroleum?

Or perhaps he won't, after Iran gets bombed and all hell breaks lose, martial law is declared and he annoints himself Supreme Fuhrer.


Tony and Cherie Blair are buying another house - next to the property they will move into after Downing Street.

They have already exchanged contracts on the Georgian mews house in London's Bayswater area, according to reports.

The property, their fifth, is located at the rear of the £3.65m Connaught Square townhouse they bought in 2004.

Thought to be worth about £800,000, it is a two-bedroom house with two floors above ground and a basement currently serving as office space.

But the Blairs are said to be planning to knock the two properties into one to create extra space.

It will also provide an alternative point of access which is thought to be preferable from a security perspective and also secure a better point of access to their home.

Mr and Mrs Blair already own two flats in Bristol, where son Euan attended university, which they bought in 2002.

The Prime Minister also has his Myrobella constituency home in County Durham. He bought that when he became an MP in 1983.

Reports suggested that the latest purchase would take the Blairs' mortgage repayments to up to £20,000 a month.

A Downing Street spokeswoman refused to comment.

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