
Friday, February 09, 2007


contains three sixes. On the Vodafone website we read

On 1 January 1985 we made the UK’s first mobile call. It marked the launch of the mobile industry and transformed global communications. Today Vodafone is the world’s leading international mobile telecommunications group with equity interests in 27 countries across 5 continents, 186.8 million proportionate customers and 33 partner networks*. For more than 20 years we’ve been at the forefront of mobile innovation. Now we’re entering a stretch of uncharted territory as next generation technology opens up a whole new range of opportunities for customers. It’s a new and exciting stage in our journey.

The mobile communications industry is about drowning us in a sea of microwaves to gently interfere with our body's and brain's electrical system, and bombarding us with useless information to keep us distracted from the horror of this world.

The three sixes in the Vodafone logo are;
1. the inverted comma in the large circle at the top of the logo
2. this same inverted comma is then in the first o of vodafone
3. the same comma is in the second o of vodafone.

NB all three sixes are red, the colour of blood and a favourite colour of satanism.

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