
Monday, April 30, 2007


In response to the sentencing of Omar Khyam and four others today the new Chief of MI5 Jonathan Evans issued a statement defending the decision of MI5 not to follow two of the suspected bombers of London on 7/7. Evans' statement does not compute for several reasons;
1. there have been approximately one thousand arrests under the PTA, mainly Muslims, and the vast majority were either released without charge or found not guilty. What standard of evidence was used against them as compared to Kahn and Tanweer, who it appears were on the edge of a terrorist network arrested under the PTA and were even suspected of committing a crime (!?), fraud, to fund jihad and attend terrorist training camps? Kahn and Tanweer were thought dangerous enough to warrant further investigation if time allowed.

2. Reda Hassaine told David Leppard that he warned his MI5 handlers that Abu Hamza was a nasty piece of work and offered to wear surveillance equipment to record Hamza. MI5 told Hassaine that they considered Hamza to be a clown. This is not the only evidence of MI5 "complacency".

3. Martin Gilbertson sent material to West Yorkshire Police about Kahn and Tanweer late 2003.

Now, if the Police and MI5 had been busier chasing up real leads and not fitting up hundreds of innocent Muslims then perhaps 7/7 would have been stopped.

Or perhaps there is a cell within MI5 that wanted to allow 7/7 to occur for its own purpose...

What is the task of MI5? MI5 is tasked with the defence of the realm ie the Queen, all she fronts for and stands for and owns. This includes The City of London, one of if not the most powerful financial hubs of the world keeping us all in debt slavery. London was hit on 7/7. Who lost their job?

Below is a logo MI5 used NB the all-seeing eye above a pyramid with the capstone removed. The idea is that "they" see and know everything. As with 9/11 they didn't know anything about 7/7?

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