
Thursday, May 17, 2007


Yesterday The Times ran an article entitled, "Would an implanted chip help to keep my child safe?"

available to read at

It was tucked away in the Women section so I missed this, but Propaganda Matrix has highlighted it.

Also yesterday, many if not all Westminster MPs wore yellow ribbons to signal their sympathy with missing Madeleine.

And it is perhaps the most dangerous scientist (outside of the underground bases), Professor Kevin Warwick, who The Times reports is receiving queries from parents about them 'chipping their children.

The Times article refers to several tagging products on the market, but then destroys their security with this paragraph;

"The drawback with all these products, of course, is that an abductor could quickly dispose of mobile phones, satchels, clothing or wristbands. Wherify, an American company, offers a GPS locator watch that it claims is lockable and tamper-proof and may act as a visible deterrent (it works only in America). However, some parents may be uncomfortable about a highly visible device that an abductor would be desperate to remove."

Michelle Elliot from Kidscape is quoted thus;
"We have 11 million children in the UK,” says Elliot. “For the past 25 years between five and seven children have been abducted and killed by a stranger each year, and that has not changed...Are we becoming paranoid to the point where we give children the message that life is so dangerous that they have to be tagged? There is no guarantee of your child’s safety. But the chances [of something like this happening] are so remote that you have to think about the message you’re giving them."

5 children a year abducted by strangers?
7 children a year killed by strangers?

How many children will die today due to extreme poverty and/or easily-treated diseases? (clue : one dies every 3 seconds).

And then Warwick spouts his science to enhance the credibility of the microchip implant;
"But Professor Warwick says that if there was sufficient demand from the public and the initiative was backed by child-safety groups, it would not be difficult to make chip implants – about an inch long – available nationally in a relatively short period of time...He says that further work may be needed to determine how best to recharge the device but, because it would be in “sleep mode”, it would need only very low power. “It might be that once a year the child has to hold his arm up to a charger,” he says."

The man is a buffoon, lost in scienceland, and needs a REAL education, like most people in the world. He is actually working towards constructing his own prison which he will be happy to pass down to his children and grandchildren, and one which we will inherit.

The transparency is nauseating.

1 comment:

  1. Warwick is being funded by Soros and his Open Society Institute.

    Warwick's site at Reading Uni shows him listed as the recipient of a grant:
    "Assessment of Invasive Implant Technology for Chronic Neural Connection"
    IPR Foundation (2004)

    IPR Foundation is "Foundation for Information Policy Research".
    FIPR is sponsored by Microsoft, among other global IT corporations, and Open Society Institute.

    Research on Soros indicates he is not good for mankind.
