
Saturday, May 12, 2007


It's missing Madeleine McCann's birthday today.

She was abducted last week in Portugal.

I have to express my suspicion about this abduction. Its timing was immaculate. Great Britain was beginning to see what it's intelligence agency The Security Service really gets up to following the revelations that it had the alleged bombers of 7/7 photographed, and had told lies to and withheld evidence from the ISC. It was also revealed that an inmate of Belmarsh had overheard the Crevice plotters discussing a plan to bomb the London transport network and when informed of this the cops shrugged their shoulders as if to say, "we know, but waddya gonna do?".

At the moment there is a potential she was abducted by a trio either from Great Britain or with significant links to Great Britain.

And it is this link to Great Britain which makes me suspicious.

Madeleine's abduction quashed any further interest in Crevice and 7/7. That story was removed from the front pages and replaced by Madeleine. Who could not be distressed at the abduction of a three year old girl while her parents were out eating? Even David Beckham is getting involved.

But due to my understanding of how this world really works I am suspicious and sceptical about the media coverage. Yes, it is very sad that a little girl was abducted and I do hope she is found alive and well and unabused and that her abductors are caught and dealt with.

But how many little children are on the verge of death from starvation or from easily treated diseases due to the economic policies of the people who control our money supply and engineer, finance and profit greatly from world wars? Once a year on Red Nose Day the cupboards of the media are opened and the dust blown off the video tape containing images of African children with flies in their mouths and eyes and we all donate a tenner and then the tapes are put back in their cupboards never to be seen again until next Red Nose Day. Not once is the question addressed, "what are the consequences of world bank, IMF policies and what is the history of those institutions?". Remember the Make Poverty History advert in which wealthy celebrities clicked their fingers every three seconds indicating that a child dies from extreme poverty every three seconds?

A few weeks after Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman went missing reports began to appear that a number of parents wanted their children to be microchipped. BBC, CNN, etc all ran virtually the same story (for that's all it was) putting a positive spin on the idea.

I predict the same will happen again very soon. The abduction of a 3 year old girl is a newsworthy story. But why so much coverage of Madeleine while hundreds of children around the world have died from starvation and easily treated diseases since Madeleine's abduction.

There is only one answer; the microchip. 24/7 coverage of an abducted girl while hundreds of children secretly die unnecessary deaths hidden from our view amongst the flies and the dust.

WHY? To create in the public a feeling of "Something must be done. How can we find Madeleine?".

Is it any significance that our judicial system is lenient on paedophiles?
Is it so they avoid or are given ridiculously short custodial sentences and can then prowl the streets terrifying parents in to 'chipping their children?

I would not laugh this suggestion off so quickly. Most people have no idea what our leaders have done and discuss far from the sycophantic media. Paedophilia is to me the sickest of crimes, and deserves to be punished not by allowing them onto our streets but by locking them away. So why is our judicial system so soft on them?

While paedophiles are on the streets kids are abducted. It's that simple. And with the abductions comes the media blitz encouraging the microchip agenda. One follows the other as night follows day.

I do hope Madeleine is found well and unharmed. But let's not use this one incident to push the microchip agenda, when the paedophiles who abduct children should be in prison and not prowling the streets, and extreme poverty is killing a child every three seconds.

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