
Thursday, June 28, 2007


The Guardian is reporting on another survey which suggests more people are favouring the UN and see the environment as a major threat to the planet.

Hmm. I wonder where the people are getting their ideas from?



Growing numbers of people worldwide view environmental problems, pollution, infectious diseases, nuclear proliferation and the widening gap between rich and poor as the most menacing threats facing the planet, according to a 47-nation survey published yesterday by the US-based Pew Global Attitudes Project.
The survey, which conducted more than 45,000 interviews, finds that global opinion is increasingly wary of the world's dominant countries but also unimpressed by aspiring leaders in Iran and Venezuela who challenge the international status quo. In contrast, the UN receives strong support.

...Rising powers such as China and Russia get mixed reviews. Russia's Vladimir Putin scores worse than George Bush in terms of confidence that he will "do the right thing" in world affairs - 30% believe he will, against 45% for Mr Bush.

China's expanding military and economic power is also viewed with suspicion, except in Africa, where it has launched trade and aid initiatives.

Huge majorities in most countries, notably in the Arab Middle East, say they do not trust Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Venezuela's Hugo Chávez inspires similar suspicion, even in Latin America.


The Pew Global Attitudes Project has Madeleine Albright and ex US Ambassador to the UN John Danforth as Co-Chairs on its International Advisory Board. The Pew Research Center has Karlyn Bowman of the American Enterprise Institute and Patrick Butler, Vice President of The Washington Post Company on its board.

But a look at the Pew website shows the kind of spin they are putting on the results.

Take a look at

and in particular the results for the Bush v Putin global leadership contest (see below). The page looks at some of the results from ALL countries. For example for the environment and attitudes to US foreign policy all countries surveyed are listed. However for the Bush v Putin global leadership contest only 8 countries are listed, two of whom are the USA and Russia, while the rest consist of NATO countries, who are
controlled by Bilderbegers and its general popoulation heavily influenced by Bilderberg-controlled media.

Take a read of the full report, and it basically states what the NWO want;
decreasing trust in America
growing trust in the UN, EU
fear of the environment and the planet
scepticism of Putin, Chavez, Ahmedinejad (all none Bilderberg and wanting to use their countries natural resources to benefit their own people)
confidence in Merkel (Bilderberg)

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