
Tuesday, June 26, 2007


He was demonised as the personification of evil.
We allowed our air bases to be used by the USA to bomb his country.
We accused him of PanAm103.
And he was on the fringe of the Axis-of-evil.

But that all changed when he allowed Anglo-American oil corporations to dig for oil in Libya.

And now he proposes that Africa needs a pan-African government.


Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi has described the African Union as a failure and vowed to press ahead with plans for a single African government.

Speaking in the Guinean capital Conakry Mr Gaddafi said there was no future for individual African nation states.


Let's see;
pan-European government : nearly there.
North American Union (USA, Canada, Mexico) : well on its way.
pan-African government : failed and now idea being pushed again.

Seeing a picture emerging?

Small international governments are being formed before your very eyes, and generally without the people (a) knowing, or (b) caring.

Once an African governnment, a full European government, a full North American government, a full South Amercian government, a full Asian government, and a full Pacific government have been achieved, we are just one step away from total global governance.

And what could trigger that transfer of power?

An ugly, horrible war with many, many millions of deaths.

And what could trigger that?

Nuclear war between USA, China, Russia, no doubt over events in the Middle East, all planned by that sick bastard 33+rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike.

The idea of global governance is being proclaimed in a study by World Public Opinion.

From and The Chicago Council on Global Affairs have released an in-depth study of world-wide opinion on key international issues, including climate change, globalization, the future of the United Nations, US leadership and the rise of China.

Based on a survey conducted in 18 countries, the 95-page report seeks to understand how the perspectives of people around the globe differ or converge on issues of global importance. The publics polled represent about 56 percent of the world’s population.

“This study is breaking new ground in the effort to gain understanding and discover commonalities in public opinion around the world,” said Steven Kull, editor of

Christopher Whitney, executive director for studies at The Chicago Council pointed out that the study “revealed important convergences in thinking among many of the surveyed publics.”

“In general, there was recognition that many problems now transcend borders and require strengthened multilateral institutions and approaches to dealing with them,” Whitney said.

Participating research centers interviewed nearly 22,000 people in China, India, the United States, Russia, Indonesia, France, Thailand, Ukraine, Poland, Iran, Mexico, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, Argentina, Peru, Armenia and Israel, plus the Palestinian territories.

In addition to a global overview of opinion on key issues, including some newly released results, the report provides detailed country-by-country analyses and a discussion of how attitudes change depending on variables such as education, income and the amount of attention paid to news.

Among the key findings:

On Globalization:
• Majorities around the world have a largely positive view of globalization and believe that international trade benefits national economies, companies, and consumers.

On Climate Change:
• There is widespread agreement that climate change is a pressing problem that poses a significant threat, though views differ on whether urgent, costly measures are needed.

On the United Nations
• Large majorities approve of strengthening the United Nations by giving it the power to have its own standing peacekeeping force, regulate the international arms trade and investigate human rights abuses.

On US Leadership
• Publics around the world reject the idea that the United States should continue to be the preeminent world leader and prefer that it play a more cooperative role.

On China
• Majorities around the world believe that the Chinese economy will someday grow to be as large as the US economy but only a minority thinks this would be negative.


The survey results imply that most people want UN powers expanded, and even for it to have a standing army. The results must be taken lightly because the sponsors of the survey are 100% pure globalist traitors to the human race.

But where did this entity, the United Nations, come from?

The first attempt at world government after WW1 The League of Nations failed because the USA voted out of it. Rockefeller financed the League.

The second attempt after WW2 The United Nations survived after the USA government had been corrupted and voted for it. Again Rockefeller financed the UN.

And Rockefeller continues to fund the UN.

And Rockefeller has siginificant influence over the sponsors of the above survey, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs via Citigroup, Federal Reserve, along with JP Morgan.

And Rockefeller met Blair at least once at secretive Bilderberg meetings.

And Blair just transferred control of large areas of British policy to the EU, which is another stepping stone to total global governance.

How much more do you need to see before you realise what is happening?

Control over the world is slowly and secretly being centralised into the hands of the people who brought us WW1, WW2 and the stalled WW3 in the Middle East (Blair has been sent in as "envoy" to kill any hope of peace because the people there don't trust him after Iraq and Lebanon and his warmongering against Iran).

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