
Friday, June 01, 2007


Andrei Luguvoi's allegations are as credible as the allegations made against him.

It took several weeks to discover that the poison that eventually killed Litvinenko was Polonium-210, giving plenty of time for someone to sprinkle some here and there to leave a trail implicating Luguvoi. The only reason that I can see why Polonium-210 would be used to kill someone would be to allow the killer to leave the scene for safety, for once it has been detected Pol-210 could only implicate a few suspects, the main one being the Kremlin. It may be possible to specify when a particular trace of Pol-210 was laid, which could lead to stronger evidence to blame whoever dunnit, but I am not sure if this can be done. Discovering a trace does not indicate when that trace was laid.

Yes, Luguvoi could have left a Polonium trail around London leading straight to the Kremlin, and endangering the lives of his wife and children at the same time. And yes, Berezovsky was given a great opportunity for a photogenic death to show what a thug Putin was for murdering his friend in such a way.

But hold on.

Were Berezovsky and Litvinenko MI6 agents? If so, who was of more importance?

Had Litvinenko recently fallen out with Berezovsky and MI6?

Did Litvinenko have material which could threaten Berezovsky’s status in Great Britain?

I would not be surprised to learn that;
1. Litvinenko was MI6
2. Litvinenko’s job within MI6 was to discredit Putin, and to do so required him to recruit Luguvoi and other Russians with the aim of acquiring compromising material which would lead to discrediting Putin. Litvinenko had tried to smear Putin with several wild allegations including Putin running 9/11 and being a paedophile.

Do the British Intelligence Services "have form" in assassinations and frame-ups?

Rasputin was murdered by British agents Oswald Rayner and John Scales so that he could not use his anti-war influence on Tsar Nicholas II to pull Russia out of WW1 (the aim being that Russians would revolt against and overthrow the Tsar after years of war to be replaced by Trotsky and Lenin who were extremely well connected to agents of the Anglo-American Establishment).

And more recently, David Shayler alleged MI6 tried to assassinate Colonel Gadaffi through the al-Qaeda affiliate The Islamic Fighting Group, and Jamil el-Banna was framed by MI5 and sent to Guantanamo Bay for years after refusing to become a MI5 spy.

All I am saying is that very few people are aware of the history of Anglo-American (particularly Anglo-) interference in Russian governance. There is something in London and Washington which believes it owns this planet and that it can do anything to exercise that belief, and by anything that includes engineering and financing world wars. I would not put the framing of Luguvoi with the murder of Litvinenko beyond the capabilities of the Anglo-Amercian Establishment and its secret services (NB not ours), especially if Litvinenko had outlived his usefulness and/or had become renegade in order to smear Putin.

I am still open-minded about this, and look forward to any trial, be it in London or Moscow, in order for more details to emerge. If I was pushed I would say I was 51/49 in favour of the assassins being...

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