
Wednesday, June 20, 2007


while defeat is an orphan.

And defeat is what we could call the outcome over the 15 British military personnel arrested by Iran earlier this year. Blair wouldn't back down from his initial claim that they were arrested in Iraqi waters when no such boundaries have been agreed between Iraq and Iran, and despite Chris Air being interviewed by Sky and stating he was gathering "int". Blair was humiliated.

Isn't it amazing how two investgations into that farce can find nobody to blame, not even Blair, for anything?



Fifteen sailors were seized by Iran, but no one was to blame, MoD says
Michael Evans, Defence Editor

No one has been blamed for a series of misjudgments in which fifteen sailors and marines were seized by Iran in the Gulf in March and were later freed to tell, and in two cases sell, their stories to the media.

The affair that became known as the Iran sailor fiasco, exposed a number of serious “shortcomings” in military judgments that led to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard taking 14 men and one woman hostage, according to a brief published summary of a classified report drawn up by a former Commandant General of the Royal Marines.

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