
Wednesday, October 03, 2007


The Times has repeatedly refused to post my online comments to articles on their online version.


The Daily Telegraph has the same policy.


I tried to post something last Sunday on The Times website as a reply to an article about the Israelis allegedly managing to smuggle some material out of Syria in a daring commando raid. But that was not posted.

The latest article I tried to comment on was published by Michael Binyon yesterday, entitled "And for my next trick, I will turn into a prime minister", about Putin's decision to run for PM.

I shall now post that comment of mine that has not been posted (although 17 others have).


You mock Russian democracy, but did you know that ALL our Prime Ministers are selected at Bilderberg meetings (except Major who is a Trilateral)? Bilderberg is run by the same families who financed BOTH Hitler and Stalin, who between them murdered many, many millions of people.

The EU was born in Bilderberg.
Blair and Brown are Bilderberg.

All that Russia via Putin is doing is standing upto the warmongering thugs based in Washington DC, New York and London, and taking back what is Russian and using it for the benefit of Russia. This is giving Russia an increasing amount of power. If Russia is not on board with the plans of our warmongering leaders then this stalls their plans. This then increases the chances that we all learn the horrible crimes against humanity committed by our "leaders" in engineering, financing and profiting greatly from WW1 and WW2 in order to create centralised global governing institutions eg the UN, EU. Hence, Putin is demonised as a tyrant and a thug.

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