
Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Here’s what should happen;

The new management at Northern Rock should use the current laws allowing private banks to create credit.

That credit should be used for new mortgages and loans, and replacement mortgages to stop repossessions and defaults.

Because the bank is backed by us, the general public, it should, if necessary, be able to obtain more credit and obtain it at lower rates, as the private banks have cried and cried like little babies in the last few days, crying “It’s not fair. It’s not fair” as they charge over 100% for overdrafts and let 6000 kids a day die from lack of clean water. NR should issue new loans and mortgages at below market rate, and offer savings accounts at above market rate. This will drive customers towards NR, so that the taxpayers, i.e. us, the general public, will get our money back at great speed (which the banks want don’t they?)

With customers moving to NR, other banks will either have to fail or reduce their operations. The same process can be repeated for them if they wish.

Eventually the government will have a monopoly on credit.

Banks can still exist accepting deposits, but their ability to create credit will be zero.

If the EU sticks its nose in, the government should tell the EU to FO and FY.

The private banks will cry foul. But for centuries they have had the monopoly on credit and abused that power to engineer and finance world wars and revolutions for their benefit so that today we face being governed by their fascist world government via the UN and being microchipped for 24/7/365 surveillance and control.

It’s time we took that monopoly on credit back and used it for the general good of society and not for control of the many by the few and endless world wars.

And there lies the rub.

The banks have worked hard sending our fathers and grandfathers into fighting their engineered world wars. If the government via NR were to achieve a monopoly on credit their plan of ages would be destroyed almost immediately.

The EU would stick its nose in and try to impose EU law above British law, because it is run by appointed Bilderbergers, who as we have seen with Brown, are beholden to the warmongering bankers. Brown recently signed the Treaty of Lisbon without the referendum which he promised us.

It was imperative to the warmongering bankers that NR did not use its power to create credit, which it is allowed to by law, for we would then see a government creating its own credit.



For then we would all be standing around scratching our heads asking each other, “why has the government allowed private banks to create credit that we then borrow at interest and repay with higher taxes, when we could have been creating it ourselves all along and not owe any private banks any interest or anything!”.

Hence The Times published the statement by Anatole Koletsky that NR should not issue any ‘new money’.

During the banker-engineered-and-financed World War 1, the phrase “Lions led by lambs” was used to describe the incompetence of the upper class idiot officers ordering their brave working class soldiers to slaughter against well defended German machine guns.

The decision to nationalise NR was the correct one.

But the subsequent decisions on its operation and eventual sell-off lead me to state that without doubt we are lions led by dickheads and traitors to the human race.

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