
Monday, February 18, 2008


The favoured trick of the New World Order is to create banks that appear to be a national bank, i.e. 100% owned and controlled by the nation, but which are in reality privately-owned banks. The prime examples of such banks are The Bank of England (1694-1946) and The Federal Reserve (1913-). The appearance that such banks are national gives them so much power because a national bank is backed by us, the general public. By creating such institutions the New World Odour usurps our own power to create our own money.

The power to create our own money has terrifed the New World Odour. Colonial Scrip brought economic prosperity to the American colonies and forced the British to ban it, leading to severe economic depression. During the US Civil War, Lincoln issued Greenbacks, which led to the defeat of the British plan to split North America, as shown now in your local cinema in the film National Treasure : Book of Secrets.

Since yesterday we now have a national bank disguised as a privately-owned bank.

The symmetry is intriguing.

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