
Thursday, April 03, 2008


I remember trying to watch the film "Gettysburg" shortly after it came out. Something at the time told me that it was a very good and informative film, and that I should watch it very carefully, but the first time I watched it (about 1995) it really bored me. It all seemed like two lots of violent idiots standing facing each other and blasting and shooting the hell out of each other, particularly in the woods of Little Round Hill.

But that was 1995.

Now, with a more accurate sense of history, I find Gettysburg is a fascinating, well-made film, with several interesting and revealing associations and relationships, and I place it in my top five favourite films.

There are several heroes, but the one hero of the film who stands out for me is Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.

The US Civil War was crucial in the modern history of mankind. Britain and its allies in France, Austria, were prepared to break the USA into two, using slavery as the issue. If the South had won I believe mankind would be in a much worse situation that it is in now. The progress of the New World Order was delayed by around 50 years by the victory of the North, and Gettysburg was the pivotal battle in the US Civil War.

The links between the South, slavery and Great Britain are both interesting but also repulsive. It is beyond doubt that elements in Great Britain promoted slavery in the USA through the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, a fact that the Scottish Rite is desperate to conceal, for the associations lead all the way back to The City of London, and possibly Buckingham Palace (Great Britain was at one time the greatest slave trading nation on earth, and our royal family was the main beneficiary with a monopoly via a number of corporations).

Gettysburg also addresses the tactical decisions taken over a period of four days by the Generals in charge of the Armies, and sympathises with Longstreet, who argued that the Confederacy should not have fought at Gettysburg.

But they did. And they lost.

Yet another blow against the New World Order, and victory for mankind.

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