
Thursday, May 08, 2008



And by one the main hoaxers!

Douglas Feith was intimately involved in the drafting of the aggressive 'A Clean Break' document for the aggressive Benjamin Netanyahu (the same Benjamin Netanyahu who was overjoyed on 9/11 believing that nearly 3000 deaths would be good for Israel-American relations, though in exactly what way he declined to give details). A Clean Break proposed Israeli expansion into and aggression against Israel’s neighbours; Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

Feith was appointed, I assume under orders from Cheney who appointed Feith to advise him on Middle East Policy, to The Defense Policy Board, which was supposed to give neutral advice to the President on American military policy overseas, and The Office of Special Plans, which cherry-picked intelligence on Iraq. Feith appointed a sordid cast of characters to assist him, including Kissinger and Richard Perle, a fellow Clean Breaker of Feith.

Why Feith has done this I don’t know, but he has apparently published a devastating document in his recently released book, War and Decision.

Further details at

That document reveals that the aim of America’s reaction to 9/11 was not to hunt down and destroy Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, but was instead to target a number of states in the Middle East for regime change.

And would you adam and eve it, the nations listed in that document recently published by Feith were the same nations targeted in A Clean Break; Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, with Libya and Sudan also targeted. Libya and Sudan have been targeted, but not militarily. Libya was ‘persuaded’ to adopt a different tone in return for investment in its oil production. And Sudan has been in the media recently over its alleged civil war.

But Iraq has been invaded on false pretext.
Syria has been attacked and blamed for a series of assassinations in Lebanon.
And Iran? Well, it’s never out of the news, is it?

This all ties in with the current investigation into Ehud Olmert, the current PM of Israel. Despite the ridiculous and outrageous retaliation against Lebanon in 2006, Olmert is apparently willing to seek peace with his neighbours, Syria and Lebanon, and they too are open for discussion. Olmert is allegedly associated with a number of bribery scandals.

See “Olmert under pressure to quit over link to millionaire in bribery probe

If Olmert goes, which I suspect is the aim of the investigation, there will be a general election in Israel. And Benjamin “I love 9/11” Netanyahu will probably be elected as Prime Minister. If that happens, a strike on Iran and the resulting war will probably occur, and probably before Bush and Cheney leave The White House.

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