
Wednesday, June 04, 2008


At the AIPAC meeting in Washington DC Ehud Olmert intimated that he has apparently got the message from the trumped up investigation into his finances by calling for war with Iran at any cost.

Meanwhile Condoleeza Rice dropped a stink bomb by referring to the shit that Israel dishes out to Palestinians on a daily basis.

I wonder how many AIPACers travel down the road to Chantilly for that well publicised Bilderberg meeting tomorrow?


From Olmert to AIPAC: We must stop the Iranian threat
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent, and News Agencies
Tags: Olmert, Rice, Iran, AIPAC

The moment when Israel and the Palestinians Authority will have to make tough decisions is fast approaching, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference Tuesday.

"We must stop the Iranian threat by all possible means," he said.

"Each and every country must understand that the long-term cost of a nuclear Iran greatly outweighs the short-term benefits of doing business with Iran."

Olmert is to meet Wednesday with U.S. President George W. Bush to discuss the Iranian nuclear program and upgrading security relations between the U.S. and Israel.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who also addressed the AIPAC conference in Washington Tuesday, stressed the urgency of establishing a Palestinian state, saying that the increase in violence in the Middle East makes the establishment of a peaceful Palestinian state more urgent rather than less.

That remark, however, was greeted with silence - though the secretary had been warmly greeted by the conference. AIPAC has been a leading skeptic regarding the current Palestinian leadership's ability to control terrorism should a state be established.

Rice said that while the present opportunity is not perfect by any means, it is better than any other in recent years, so it must be seized. "Israelis have waited too long for the security they desire and deserve," she said, "and Palestinians have waited too long, amid daily humiliations, for the dignity of a Palestinian state."

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