
Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I live near to but not in the Tatton constituency, which is the constituency of Bilderberger George Osborne MP. Someone in the Tatton constituency needs to write to Osborne to enquire about the leak from Bilderberg that the microchip agenda is to be implemented much quicker than we expected. By law (I think) an MP must at least acknowledge communcation from a constituent, but not necessarily acknowledge communication from a non-constituent. If it is not the law then there are rules and etiquette for MPs to follow regarding communication.

I am both horrified and encouraged by the leak from Bilderberg that the plan to microchip not just Americans but the whole human race is to be wheeled out quite quickly. This is horrifying in that we could be that close to mass chipping, but it is also encouraging because they don't stand a chance of it being accepted and to be wheeling it out without the ID cards system tested fully (databases, technology etc) would mean the system wouldn't work anyway, so to be pushing the microchip agenda so quickly really does mean that Bilderberg is indeed in panic mode.

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