
Saturday, July 05, 2008


It appears that the by-election in Haltemprice and Howden has descended from a noble cause into a farce.

David Davis resigns the seat in protest against the Big Brother state.

David Icke invites David Davis to a friendly 'debate' on the Big Brother state, but Davis refuses.

Davis begins to get visits of support from MPs with questionable motives.
1. David Cameron visits Davis claiming that Bilderberg is nothing to worry about, this after his shadow chancellor George Osborne met them in private for the second time this year.
2. Patrick Mercer, former member of British Intelligence and seriously involved with companies whose interest is...surveillance, overt and covert!
3. the confused Ed Vaizey, signatory to the Henry Jackson Society which is basically the British arm of PNAC. I say Vaizey is confused because he voted for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty yet the HJS wants a large unified European military force and no referendum, and it is the warmongering of the American signatories to the HJS that is driving the introduction (or rather implementation) of the Big Brother state.

Then Davis holds a 'public' press conference with Bob Geldof, but when Icke turns up with "the correct paperwork" the meeting is immediately assigned as 'private' and Icke is banned!

You could not make this stuff up! It is comedy gold. Absolute comedy gold.


  1. Seriously involved you say, but how serious was his participation with the infamous FRU involved in collusion and murder?

    The FRU recruited and handled agents from a secure base within the Intelligence Corps centre at Thiepval barracks. Mercer was stationed at Thiepval barracks and he worked in plain clothes. He is on record as hailing the dirty war as a successful campaign of "killing people if necessary and deterring people because it has to be done."

    Mr Mercer said his dealings with the FRU showed them to be doing a difficult and dangerous job and their methods, as far as he knew, were entirely above board. John Stevens, of the Metropolitan London Police was to investigate the killings in Northern Ireland. As he and his team started to uncover the nature of Army collusion with protestant terrorists, he faced an arson attack. A former member of the FRU came forward and revealed that they had been responsible for the fire, they were called in by the FRU commander to destroy the incriminating evidence, which is not the entirely above board FRU, Mr Mercer would have us believe.

    Mr Mercer had a lot to do with them, or so he said, and his assurance that as far as he knew, they were entirely above board seems somewhat fictitious with the report that another member of FRU came forward to talk about what the unit had done. Agreeing that there had been a policy of "shoot to kill by proxy", the former FRU member said that his unit had acted as "judge, jury and executioner"

    The very thought of Patrick Mercer supporting the David Davis challenge to 'Big Brother' when he is still involved with covert surveillance organisations boggles the mind.

    I’m afraid the man is a drumbeater lost in colonial wars content to give others bayonets and boots but careful not to re-enlist and come home in a body bag from a war in a "mediaeval" state lacking even basic government structures. The war in Afghanistan would be an enterprise of decades and one we cannot afford.

    UK families are in poverty and he wants more helicopters at a cost of £34,000 an hour to run sent to Afghanistan.

    But then I doubt a drumbeater would be troubled by poverty unless of course the poverty was his own.

  2. Thanks for the comment John.

    Could you supply references for the quotes you attribute to Mercer?
