
Friday, August 22, 2008


Aspect Consulting has been working for The (disgraced) Government of Georgia.

Aspect was formed by James Hunt and Frans Green in November 2004. One of its earliest projects was for Novartis, manufaturers of Nicotinell, in a smoking cessation campaign and study, run by Green.

Michael Stopford was recently appointed by NATO as its Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Strategic Communication Services. Before joining NATO Stopford managed Coca Cola's reputation for a few years. But before that he was Head of Global Public Affairs and Government Relations for Syngenta, which was formed by the merger of Novartis and AstraZeneca in 2000.

So was Stopford PR chief for Syngenta/Novartis when Novartis employed Aspect to market its smoking cessation product Nicotinell a few years ago?

Such a link would explain why Aspect was chosen to market The (disgraced) Government of Georgia, possibly Aspect's first military campaign.

I understand that The (disgraced) Government of Georgia hired Aspect last year to sell Georgia as pro-EU/NATO, focusing on Georgia's products such as wine.

Wine and war are two very different things to market, doncha' think?

Where would Aspect get its military expertise from?

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