
Thursday, August 28, 2008


The Times has today published a sensible article by Robert Skidelsky (Bilderberg 2005) which is on the Russia/Georgia conflict. Although I don't agree 100% with what he says, I agree with Skidelsky's main points, which are
1. Russia is being needlessly provoked
2. Georgia started the recent conflict
3. Miliband is playing with fire (Russia does still have a very large nuclear arsenal, you know)
4. Saakashvili should go to be replaced by someone with a cooler head

Perhaps this explains why Skidelsky has been invited to Bilderberg only once; he talks some sense.

Skidelsky does not, however, mention that
1. hothead Saakashvili was injected into Georgia via senior Bilderberger George Soros with assistance from American and British circles
2. Yuschenko was injected into Ukraine, the second provocateur, by Berezovsky.

The roles of Saakashvili and Yuschenko are to provoke Russia into conflict, though whether they know that or not is debatable.

What we are seeing is imperialism. But it's not American. It's not British. It's not European. It's New World Order imperialism.

The New World Order wants control of the world. If that means provoking a nuclear war by expanding NATO/Europe into Georgia, then so be it.

But what is Russia supposed to do?

Who is the aggressor/imperialist?

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