
Monday, August 11, 2008


Robert Kagan has today demonstrated the general lack of concern for life of the Neocons with an article in, yes you’ve guessed it, The Washington Post.

Kagan is directly connected to the Neocon Wehrmacht that invaded Iraq, killing approximately 1 million Iraqi men, women and children in the name of US hegemony. He works for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, writes for the WP and Weekly Standard, and co-founded The Project for the New American Century.

Kagan begins his latest article, entitled “Putin Makes His Move”,
“The details of who did what to precipitate Russia's war against Georgia are not very important.”

If this conflict does reach a peaceful conclusion we here in the NATO countries will be shocked to discover that approximately 2000 South Ossetian civilians were killed by the Georgian military on Friday 8th August. A few eyewitness accounts are slowly filtering through the NATO media firewall.

That’s 2000 "not very important" lives, according to Kagan.

Kagan then, of course, goes on to blame Putin for provoking Georgia, for over-reacting to the installation of missiles in Poland, and for over-reacting to the independence of Kosovo.

At the time, some of us saw through the lies that took us into war in Iraq; 9/11, WMD, etc.

Those lies have since been proven as lies, so that now the whole world, bar a few greedy and insane warmongers in Washington and London, does not believe a word that comes out of the mouths of the likes of Robert Kagan.

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