
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Russia Today is reporting on a Georgian attack on the village of Khetagurovo. Men, women and children either burned alive in a church, or run over and crushed by a tank.

The cruelty and barbarism of this attack was undoubtedly designed to provoke a military response from Russia.


Civilians perish as Georgian troops torch church
The Regnum news agency is reporting that Georgian troops burned down a 10th century Orthodox church while terrified civilians perished inside. The agency quotes eyewitness accounts of the atrocity after all-out fighting in Khetagurovo, a small village near the republic’s capital Tskhinvali.

Almost all of those fighting to defend the village were killed, but the report says the fate of others, mostly women and the elderly, turned out to be even more horrible.

Eyewitnesses report that Georgian tanks literally ran people down and that soldiers took almost all the women to another location. Their fate is still unknown.

Meanwhile, those who didn’t manage to escape found their shelter in a 10th century Orthodox church. Civilians hoped that Georgians of the same faith wouldn’t dare storm the building, one of the oldest of its kind in the country.

But Regnum reports that the Georgian troops set the church on fire and left those inside to perish.

It is the latest in a series of reports of the Georgian military attacking and killing civilians.


But who could and would sanction such crimes?

Look at the picture below. You have seen it many times before, but this time ignore the inverted, irregular and incomplete pentagram, and focus on the building it is pointing into...THE BLOODWHITE HOUSE!

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