
Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Watch "God on Trial", a drama on BBC 2 tonight. Set in Auschwitz, a group of inmates hold a mock trial of God, asking how could God allow such evil?

Perhaps there isn't a God as we are led to believe.

Or perhaps the God they are referring to is not some bearded killjoy in white robes but a Jewish banker called Max Warburg?

Warburg was instrumental in developing the Nazi state. He owned M M Warburg which was the bank to the German government. He sat on the board of The Reichsbank which directed the Nazi economy. He sat on the board of I G Farben which bankrolled the Nazis.

And in 1936 Max Warburg claimed to Rahel Liebeschutz that he was "the God of the Jews".

Warburg jumped ship in 1938, just in time.

The Warburgs, along with the Rothschilds and Schiffs, controlled The Federal Reserve and many other banks which could easily have created millions if not billions of dollars (they did so to finance WW2) and bought the freedom of German and Polish Jews when such proposals were made by the Nazis.

But instead, camps like Auschwitz were created to murder millions of Jews for emotional blackmail and anger to get Israel created, which has since created international terrorism, Big Brother police states and related military conflicts.

To be fair to Max Warburg he was only a representative in Germany of a cabal of ruthless, warmongering megalomaniacs based in Wall Street and The City of London.

It is they who should be on trial, along with Warburg.


  1. That's fucking ridiculous... Warburg was definitely a jew but he definitely had nothing to do with the reichsbank or the nationalists of Germany... You have a fucking reliable source for any of this? I find it extremely interesting that you fail to mention exactly how the germans freed themselves from the deliberate depression C A Lindbergh warned about in 1917 already? The way the germans freed themselves was called "the breaking of interest servitude" this was accomplished by taking banks away from jews and basing money on the national economy, as well as instituting public worls programs and basically ending the jewih scams of the stock exchange and speculation... some of you assholes are dumber than fuck you know that? Just as jewish owned institutions posed as german ownded during ww1 - berified by Henry Ford - so did other institutions to once agin propagandize truth with complete bullshit and lies all geared at protecting jews - the mass murdering inventors of communism who were almost destroyed by the great german nationalists, the US actually helped communism destroy a great nation in order to consolidate the 2 arms of Judaism capitalism and communism who share the institution of the 10 planks in both countries... your a fucking joke!

  2. Read Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C Sutton. Wall Street created Hitler. But Sutton also shows Wall Street created Soviet Russia. The purpose of creating both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia was to create the conditions for a second world war. One of the main purposes of WW1 was to create a world government, but the League of Nations failed because the USA voted out of it. So Wall Street created both Hitler and Stalin for a world war that the USA could fight in for much longer than it did in WW1 and therefore suffer many more casualties and be more likely vote for a world government when all the fighting was done. Hitler invaded Russia, Pearl Harbour dragged the USA into the war and 4 years later, after 300,000 Americans died in Europe and in the Pacific the USA now houses that world government, the UN, sponsored by the Rockefellers.

    What was it James Paul Warburg said to the Senate?
    "We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest"

    If you support Hitler (and it sounds like you do) then think again. He was just a stooge, like the rest of them, all pawns in the game for world government, a world government created by Hofjuden but for the British monarchy.

    Lindbergh was half right in accusing the Federal Reserve. He just didn't see that the Federal Reserve families were also creating his beloved Hitler for total destruction.
