
Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The power to issue credit is too important to be in private hands!

If the "our" financial and banking system cannot be allowed to fail then it is more powerful than government itself. That governments across the world can suddenly find £2 TRILLION to save the "our" financial and banking system shows how important it is, and is something I find extremely sickening.

Such power in the hands of private individuals is extremely dangerous...and they have shown themselves unworthy of such power.

They engineered and financed world wars 1 and 2 to get global institutions created.

Those global institutions have since kept Africa and Asia and South America undeveloped.

And they gambled what credit they could issue by offering very unsafe mortgages to raise debt instruments to gamble on the stock market.

Now they want bailing out for TRILLIONS, without one the f***ers coming on TV to say thanks and offer their apologies, the ungrateful, genocidal f***ers.

Bilderberg Brown has served his masters well.

He saved "their" system with our money, and in a year or two it will be screwing the public business as usual.

"Our" system would work for us not them.

"Our" system would issue credit for massive developments in public infrastrucure, not on weapons can that incinerate millions in a millionth of a second.

"Our" system would issue credit to develop the economy and for housing, not for technologies to spy on and enslave us.

These are very sweeping statements.

But in "their" system, we now borrow money from them that we gave them in the first place...and get charged interest for the privilege!!

How absolutely and totally insane is that?

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