
Friday, October 24, 2008


We have just offered the banks £500 billion to keep them afloat, and what do we get in return?

They are not prepared to be lenient with mortgage arrears and will turf kids out onto the street during repossessions.

And now Angela Knight of the BBA says that banks should not keep businesses afloat during the coming recession!!!!!!!

I'll bet quite of few of those businesses who are allowed to fail have been paying loads of all sorts of taxes that Darling and Brown have now reallocated from schools and hospitals to the vaults of the gambling banks.

Cheezus, they make me sick.

One week it's "please can we have hundreds of billions of your taxpayers money to save us from bankruptcy", the next it's "I'm alright now so fuck you".


The British Bankers' Association said it would support small businesses through the downturn, but added that the onus was not on banks to keep businesses afloat. "We have to be clear that as talk turns to recession it seems inevitable that some businesses will not survive, even with the best assistance that banks, government and voluntary agencies can give them," said BBA chief executive Angela Knight.

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