
Saturday, October 25, 2008


Little gobshite Nat Rothschild has allowed the light of truth to briefly shine onto the interface between our leading politicians and the elite financiers and industrialists.

Rothschild's letter to The Times was bound to open a can of worms...and it has.

It has since emerged that Lord Peter Mandelson has frequently stayed at Rothschild's chalet in Switzerland, and that Mandelson met Deripaska in 2004, not 2006, as the little weasel would have us believe. Mandelson is one of those slimy creatures who time after time somehow slithers back into the corridors of power. Is it his talents? Or is it Rothschild?

And it has also been reported that arrogant Rothschild has over the years also financed Osborne's office. Perhaps this explains why Osborne has been at Bilderberg for the last few years, on the recommendation of Nat. Has Osborne reported to Rothschild what was said and by whom at Bilderberg, giving Rothschild intelligence on future world events that Rothschild could use for his hedge fund?

And it has also been reported that Rothschild has, in this sordid and ridiculous falling out, acted on the advice of his father, Lord Jacob Rothschild. It was Lord Jacob Rothschild to whom Mikhail Khodorkovsky gave his shares in Yukos.

But what irks me is, if The Times and the other British media are so interested in a handful of small private meetings of two senior politicians, a banker/gambler and a Russian oligarch, then why do they not report on Bilderberg at which over one hundred of the most influential and powerful bankers, politicians and industrialists of the time gather every year in semi-secrecy in a posh hotel for a few days to discuss world government, war, massive financial bailouts, GM, oil, the cashless society, microchip implants and Moloch worship, and we don't get to read one word of it in "our" media?

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