
Thursday, October 16, 2008


For the last two days our hero Prime Minister has been protrayed as the saviour of the universe, the implication being that as Prime Minister the ordinary British taxpayer had a say in the plan that has been adopted.

The Daily Telegraph is today reporting that it was not our hero Gordon Brown who dreamed up the bank bail out plan, but it was in fact two members of the board of Standard Chartered, Peter Sands and Richard Meddings.

But the same report tells us that JP Morgan Cazenove, UBS, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank also helped to draw up the bail out.

The Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee of Deutsche Bank is Josef Ackermann, a permanent fixture at Bilderberg. DB is usually at Bilderberg every year.

JP Morgan Cazenove is part of the J P Morgan empire.

UBS has a minor relationship with the Warburg empire.

Credit Suisse First Boston is accused of creating the monster that caused the credit crunch, the mortgage backed security used to finance derivatives. CS is also usually at Bilderberg every year. The current Chairman of the Board of Directors of Credit Suisse is Walter Kielholz, Bilderberg 2003.

The ordinary British taxpayer did not have a single word of input, but did put up all the money.

Absolutely disgraceful.

A similar event took place on Jekyll Island when the Federal Reserve plan was finalised, at which a central bank for the bankers was planned but to be portrayed as the people's bank.

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