
Friday, November 14, 2008


Why do we still have children in need?

When I see the amount of money being created out of nothing to bail out the greedy gambling banks, which has quietly increased from $700 billion to several trillions of dollars and the original purpose of that money has changed, then I get a little confused.

Where has all that money suddenly come from?

Why is it being used to bail out greedy gambling banks and give them more power?

Who is deciding where that money is going?

But then I remember Bilderberg.

Paulson. Bernanke. Rockefeller. Brown. All Bilderberg scumbags.

There will never be a Bilderbergers-in-need day. Why? Because they control the creation of money, and how that money, in this case trillions of dollars, is used; to bail out greedy gambling banks (which in some cases they worked for and may well own).

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