
Thursday, November 06, 2008


Mr Obama

There are no doubt many people, who some people consider wise while others consider foolish, are suggesting that you do this, that and the other. For example Madeleine Albright and John Bolton were curiously able to publish their open letters in The Daily Telegraph yesterday. Albright was happy to allow half a million Iraqi children die during her stint under Bill Clinton, and as for Bolton, we all know the rotten piece of neocon wood underneath which he lives.

But I ask you to take this one suggestion from an ordinary member of the human race, from one man to another; whatever you do, you must not, repeat not, appoint Richard Holbrooke to any position in your administration, not even to clean the toilets. If you do, you can expect military, probably nuclear, confrontations with Russia.

Mr Medvedev, Mr Putin and Mr Lavrov of the Russian Government have openly expressed their desire to work with the new administration of the USA to, for example, sort out the financial crisis, which we know was deliberately caused by the faction in the USA to which Holbrooke is allied, which is centred on the Bilderberg Group.

There is some question over your attendance at this year's Bilderberg meeting which was held in Chantilly, VA. Did you? Didn't you?

The fact is that Bilderberg, along with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), to which your wife belongs, represents all that is wrong with this world.

Mr Obama, if you want to change not just the USA but the whole world, you must stay away from members of the CFR and Bilderberg. If you have been seduced by them already then it will come as no surprise to a large minority. But if you have not, then study them. Why were they created? Who financed them?

Richard Holbrooke is one of them; a willing servant of the cabal who have raped the planet, who engineered and profited from the trans-atlantic slave trade, who engineered and profited from the two world wars of last century, and have engineered the chaos in the Middle East that threatens the third and final world war to bring in a tyrannical fascist world government

We know his face. We know who he is. There are others who we suspect exist but at the moment they have no face for us to recognise them.

But Holbrooke we know.

He is one of them.


ps if you want to sort out the financial chaos I suggest you listen very carefully to Lyndon Larouche.

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