
Thursday, November 20, 2008


Gordon "traitor to the human race" Brown was suddenly able to provide £500 billion to bail out the greedy, gambling banks.

In a different system, in which the people's government would create money for what the people needed, what would £500 billion provide for the people?

What have the banks of today done to deserve a £500 billion overdraft facility with our government, i.e. us?

We have so far had no investigation, or promise of an investigation, into why such colossal amounts of money can suddenly be found to bail out the warmongering, Moloch-worshipping megolmaniacs.

The banks created a housing bubble in order to gamble the resulting credit bubble in mortgage-backed securities away on the derivatives market. It appears that particular profit-driven action has not worked, and I suspect it was not supposed to, and I also suspect it has been a deliberate attempt to instigate global financial chaos as a prelude to a third and final world war to prepare the introduction of a despotic world government.

Such financial speculation would never, never, never happen under a system controlled by the people, for the people and of the people.

We are controlled by fascists.

However we are also controlled by communists.

We saw both of these political systems in the mid-20th Century, both despotic, tyrannical systems.

And that's what THEY want; one tryant ruling over the rest, because the rest were tricked into accepting a genocidal system as a result of an engineered problem.

We live through the same today.

Beware of all politicians and political leaders in these times of chaos.

Do not accept anything that looks or smells like fascism or communism, for they are ultimately controlled by one, who in modern history has ultimately been shown to have been controlled by murdering bastards with aims opposite to that of the people.

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