
Sunday, November 23, 2008


Or simple harmonic motion?

Or momentum and collision in vector form?

There is no law.

I refer to these mathematical concepts taught in A Level Mathematics because in A Level Economics the Credit Creation Multiplier is referred to which shows how a bank can and does create money out of nothing. But this is not described in any great detail, and is mentioned merely in passing as a very minor subsection of a section. I had a look at a A Level course book, and the book of over 300 pages devoted one half page to this extremely important mechanism for giving a handful of warmongring, Moloch-worshipping megalomaniacs ridiculous power. The consequences in terms of power are not specified as part of the syllabus.

This is not part of the GCSE Economics syllabus.

However, the FSMA 2000 states that such a financial operation should be told us by the FSA BY LAW.

There are plenty of A levels and there is no law that states that we must all know everything taught at A level.

But it's there in black and white in the FSMA 2000, Section 4, Section 1
4 Public awareness
(1) The public awareness objective [of the FSA] is: promoting public understanding of the financial system.

And the banks collude with the FSA in suppressing the knowledge legally due to us thus giving them unfair advantage contrary to law.

How much do we, the muggins general public who have just been screwed for £500 billion, know of the financial system? NOWHERE NEAR ENOUGH!

The FSA is a complete corrupt failure.

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