
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Yes, M'Lord.

M'Lord, I call Gideon Rachman.

[Rachman takes the stand, and swears on the holy bible that he will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but truth]

Mr Rachman, you recently wrote an article on your Financial Times blog calling for world government. The associate editor of the Financial Times, Martin Wolf CBE (awarded for services to financial journalism), has allowed you to publish that article. You began that article with some form of sarcasm regarding scepticism of conspiracy theories regarding world government, such as black helicopters. Yet you, along with Wolf, are a member of a very exclusive group of people called Bilderberg, whose aim is world government. We know this because one of the main powers of Bilderberg, David Rockefeller, has publicly stated in his memoirs his desire to control the world. You attended Bilderberg meetings in 2003 and 2004, did you not? David Rockefeller also attended both of those meetings. Could you tell the jury what Wolf said to you regarding the aforementioned article on your blog, what you said at those two Bilderberg meetings and also what David Rockefeller said during those two Bilderberg meetings?


The above is one of many potential encounters with Bilderbergers in the dock, under oath, singing about what was said at Bilderberg and the goal of world government controlled by a cabal of Moloch-worshipping, warmongering megalomaniacs.

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