
Tuesday, December 16, 2008


This Madoff geezer is really being hit for six.

When the multi-trillion dollar and pound bailouts were being announced a few months ago we weren't told what had happened exactly, how the regulators and the governments got it so wrong. The only thing we were told was that it was nothing to worry about, everything is OK, the banks have somehow run out of money and they need us to lend trillions to them so that they can lend it back to us to continue their lives of luxury while kicking taxpayers and their young families out of their homes.

It is a totally different story with this Madoff geezer.

We know every little detail of his scam, and his every victim (which includes some very interesting names).

The headlines scream that the banks have been a victim of Madoff, so therefore we should feel sorry for the banks for falling victim to a cruel and heartless fraudster who defrauded a few billions from the banks which has obviously led to the multi-trillion dollar bailout.

We're not fik.

We know how and why the banks and the regulators got us into this mess.

We've heard Brown and his ilk call for world government, global solutions to global (engineered) problems.

We see the growing (engineered) tensions between the nuclear-armed powers.

A global credt crisis will destabilise the whole world. Throw in a few small wars and terrorist attacks and the chance of a third and final world war increases.

But everything has failed.

A big red F.

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