
Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Robert Kagan in The Bilderberg Washington Post today pleads that the massive increase in spending on the US military since 9/11, thanks very much indeed to the new Pearl Harbor he and others prayed for, is not reduced by the new Obama administration. Apparently a 10% cut in his budget is being requested of Robert Gates as Defense Secretary. This has outraged Kagan and his ilk, and obviously the current owners of The Bilderberg Washington Post, because they have been pushing the PNAC agenda set out in Rebuilding America's Defenses for multiple, simultaneous wars across the globe, in concert with the A Clean Break agenda, in order to initiate WW3. Rebuilding America's Defenses was written by Donald Kagan, founder of PNAC and father of Robert, and published when Robert was Director of PNAC.



No Time To Cut Defense

By Robert Kagan
Tuesday, February 3, 2009; Page A15

Pentagon officials have leaked word that the Office of Management and Budget has ordered a 10 percent cut in defense spending for the coming fiscal year, giving Defense Secretary Robert Gates a substantially smaller budget than he requested. Here are five reasons President Obama should side with Gates over the green-eyeshade boys.

[TTS: 1. war, 2. war, 3. imperialism, 4. a resulting tyrannical fascist world government, and not forgetting 5., even more war (NB in points 1,2, and 5 Kagan and his ilk will be thousands of miles away from the front line enjoying life with their families and kids in their comfortable homes)].

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