
Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The debate on BBC Radio 5 Live this morning was on the MPs expenses farce. Everyone who contacted the show, by text, email or phone, was furious about what was being claimed for.

But then David Aaronovitch came on.

Aaronovitch recently published a book ridiculing conspiracy theories and theorists.

Aaronovitch was the only person in the debate who tried to defend and/or excuse what MPs had done.

Everyone else wanted greedy MPs sacked, housed in student halls of residence type accommodation, and to live in the real world for a time to see what real people have to do to earn a living.

A common comment was that to be a MP is an honour. That is why they have the title Honourable. I would love to be a MP. There is so much that needs to be changed, but there is no party that I support and I do not have the resources. But to stand in the House of Commons and debate and vote on laws that will affect tens of millions is indeed an honour.

MPs have somehow forgotten that.

Such memory loss has appeared on the watch of Bilderbergers Blair and Brown.

It is they, as leaders of not just the Labour Party but also the government, who have allowed this culture of greed to fester on their watch.

Blair took us into wars in Iraq and Afghanistan on lies and now suckles at the teat of the demon bank known as J P Morgan Chase.

Brown has bailed out the greedy reckless banks with trillions without any inquiry and landed us with record debts and taxes for decades to come, and still wants to finance the I D Card system, even with the track record of large computer systems installed for the government.

There is something seriously, seriously wrong with this country, and we'd better do something fast before we are wiped off the face of the map and become a mere region or zone in a European Nazi Superstate.

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