
Sunday, May 31, 2009


It's what our fathers and grandfathers fought for.

A nice little, and handy, microchip implant to help the financiers of Hitler and Stalin to record your every movement and purchase (and thought and emotion).

And if you deviate from the controllers defintion of 'the perfect citizen', which will be void of thought, emotion and compassion and preferably constitute pure animalism such as lust and murder, then you will feel a brief tingle in your wonderful and liberating mirochip implant and die.

If you so much as think or feel, I love her, or I love him, then forget life. The film Equilibrium is a diluted version of future life if you let it occur.

As for me, I will simply repeat some graffiti I saw a few years ago sprayed on a wall in Baden bei Wien, a small spa town near Vienna; FUK DAT SHIT!

I love music.

I love literature.

I love good, honest science.

Love life. Hate Nazis (particularly the grey-or-blue-suited Nazis of the EU).

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