
Wednesday, June 03, 2009


1. he is a traitor to the country for reneging on his promise to give us a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, signing it with a knowing smile
2. he is a traitor to the country and the human race for attending Bilderberg and not telling us what was said
3. he sold our gold at bargain basement prices to benefit the gold price conspiracy as identified by Reginald Howe at The Golden Sextant
4. he encouraged the City to go on its greedy reckless gambling spree and told the FSA to go easy on The City while they destroyed the economy
5. he supported the war on Iraq which ultimately led to 7/7
6. he refuses to create an open public inquiry into the largest terrorist attack on mainland Britain that occured on 7/7
7. he bailed out the banks with hundreds of billions of pounds in loans and guarantees without any inquiry (because it will expose his complicity)
8. he still keeps us in servitude to those same banks by borrowing from them when we could very easily create our own money
9. despite having to borrow hundreds of billions of pounds each year (which he would not have to do if we created our own money) he is still forging ahead with the police state in the form of databases for this, that and the other to record the minutest details of our lives, and the ID card system which is ultimately a trial for the microchip implant
10. he is just not up the job of PM. Most PMs are elected by the electorate and last at least one full term. He has been in the job for less than two years and has been threatened with serious challenges several times already.

The answer is simple; Gordon, go and go now, and give us our country back.

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