
Saturday, August 08, 2009


Peter Mandelson is running the country via a Blackberry while being a guest of the Rothschilds in Corfu!?

You could not make this stuff up.

Gordon Brown is on holiday.

As is Harriet Harman.

Somehow Mandelson has been given the power to run the country while the other two go on their holiday at the same time.

But instead of staying in London for a only few days to fulfill his duties, who does Mandelson decide to join for some funshine? THE ROTHSCHILDS!

Where? CORFU!

So h does he intend to run the country from there? BLACKBERRY AND MOBILE PHONE!

Are communication networks there (a) always available, and (b) always reliable? NO! (but the Rothschild communication network is legendary)

You could not make this stuff up.

It is self evident who the above three named senior politicians serve : THEMSELVES.

They couldn't even agree on a plan for continuous government from London over a period of a few weeks.

And when Mandelson is given the opportunity he decides to live it up with the Rothschilds.

Many British citizens have lost their jobs and homes due to the reckless gambling of bankers, who we then bailed out saddling us with the decades of tax rises and cuts in public services.

And they can't organise their holidays so that no one is in Downing Street if anything occurs!

And is Nat Rothschild aware of the situation? If so, does he give a flying fcuk?


Lapping up the sun with his super-rich friends... Mandy, the man who's supposed to be running the country

By Tim Shipman and Sam Greenhill
Last updated at 3:49 AM on 08th August 2009

Whether mixing with the super-yacht set, or strolling poolside in Corfu, this was Lord Mandelson running Britain yesterday.

The Business Secretary took over the reins of power from Harriet Harman - but refused to cut short his holiday with the rich and famous on the Greek island.

He chose to oversee Whitehall business from 1,300 miles away, armed with little more than an official BlackBerry, his own mobile phone and a pair of swimming goggles.

Lord Mandelson is a guest of financier Nat Rothschild at his 30-acre estate on the north-east tip of Corfu. It is a repeat of his notorious visit 12 months ago, before his controversial return to the Cabinet.

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