
Monday, November 02, 2009


We are being forced into a cashless society. One consequence of this is that transactions that can now be made anonymously with cash will be recorded electronically, unless you trade without money, i.e. sell your TV for a tablet. One such sector of the economy is drugs.

Until now drugs have been illegal so that the elite can make a sweet sweet profit from their trade to fund revolutions and counterrevolutions, and to fund black projects. But now with their dream of a cashless society for the implementation of the implantable microchip, the cash cow of the illegal drug trade is to be sacrificed, but they can gain in one way; drugs, mindbending addictive drugs, will be more available to society in general, leading to a larger section of society unable to use their brains in a critical way, to analyse the world and think, hum, something's wrong.

This explains why the media is following the sacking of Professor Nutt and the related resignations.

Drugs fuck you up. There may be less deaths from ecstasy use than from horseriding, but MDMA can fuck your brain up. And that's what these scientists such as Nutt do not see.

They do not realise the full agenda and how the cashless society for the implantable microchip demands the legalization of drugs. But not only drugs, it demands the legalization of a lot of other stuff that until now has been deemed illegal.

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