
Saturday, November 07, 2009


Twenty years ago the Berlin Wall came down.


Well, this week the Lisbon Treaty was finally rat-ified by the curious Vaclav Klaus, who outwardly seems to understand and oppose the EU, but he still went ahead and signed not just the Czech people but nearly a half billion people in Europe into tyranny.

The Berlin Wall was erected because Stalin had been allowed to take Poland and Eastern Europe. Yes, we went to war to liberate Poland, but instead gave it and Eastern Europe to Communist tyranny.

It's all part of the three-world-war plan.

So get over it.

Realise that your children, you, your mother and father, your grandmothers and grandfathers are all considered by those at the top to be little more than cattle, to be microchipped, worked to death and/or sent into war, and then led to the abbatoir at the first sign of illness to save paying for your treatment and your pension.

There's nothing left to talk about.

I do so hope that Jedward win X-factor.

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