
Saturday, November 21, 2009


Quasi-Bilderberger Van Rompuy could be the perfect European Fuhrer Dictator President, for now at least. But in future times of war, this meek and quiet man will be replaced, and I predict The Butcher of Baghdad will replace him, and soon.

For a start Van Rompuy was Belgian Prime Minister and stabilised that country at the request of the King of the Belgians. Belgium is the HQ of both the EU and NATO, and you don't get that much power unless the leader of Belgium is a bona fide New World Order gimp. Belgian Royalty with the presence of Prince Philippe is a regular attendee at Bilderberg, and Van Rompuy is a member of the Crown Council of Belgium along with Bilderberg Supremo Etienne Davignon. It is reported that Van Rompuy wants to tax everyone of us in the EU even more to finance the ever-growing EU and its political and legal apparatus, and that he is also very keen on eradicating nationalism with the abolition of national anthems and flags.

So Van Rompuy will quietly (and quietly is the key word) build and strengthen the EU in the near future, to be replaced by the Butcher of Baghdad in a time of violence.

Lady Ashton as Foreign Minister makes sense too, for now. She managed to persuade our courts and lords that despite being the alleged home of democracy, and being promised a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, that the Great British public did not need a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon, and so she now occupies a very powerful position that was created by the sneaky and treacherous passage of that same Treaty of Lisbon.

It all stinks.

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