
Sunday, November 01, 2009


Fascism was officially born in Italy by Mussolini. Mussolini was given $100 million by J P Morgan, i.e. Rothschild, in 1925 and we recently learned that Mussolini was a British agent during WW1 propagandizing for war. Fascism opposes freedom of expression.

Today, still, the following can be found on the Unite Against Fascism website;
"We call on the Home Secretary and the police to ban the EDL action."

The UAF link the EDL with the BNP.

On the BNP website you can read the following in their manifesto for the economy;
"The banksters cannot be let off the hook for their role in the current financial crisis. The BNP demands that the banksters responsible for the catastrophe which has crippled the international banking system be held personally legally liable for their actions in terms of corporate governance laws. They should have to pay a personal price for the mess they have created, and not be rewarded with huge bonuses which have come from taxpayer-funded bailouts."

This is something most British taxpayers can agree with, particularly myself who has provided a detailed legal argument as to how the banksters can be prosecuted, and is possibly partially why Nick Griffin was stitched up on BBC QT, for no other British political party is so keen to see the banksters prosecuted.

I can find no similar statement on the UAF website.

The Pecora Commission found that J P Morgan was working against the interests of the USA and banking operations in the USA were changed (but for whatever reason the Federal Reserve still remained). Lord Turner this year stated that in his opinion it was the derivatives market that had caused the current financial crisis. And who was and still is the largest player in derivatives? J P Morgan Chase.

In other words, J P Morgan financed fascism with his loan to Mussolini, J P Morgan was found by the Pecora Commission to have been involved in the crash of 1929, and Lord Turner indirectly blamed J P Morgan Chase with its derivatives policy for the current crisis.

The main beneficiaries of the current crisis, as Bilderberger Martin Wolf so kindly pointed out to us in the FT, are Bilderberg banks, primarily J P Morgan Chase, Banco Santander, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank, whose most senior managers have all regularly attended Bilderberg in the last decade, usually as members of the steering committee. For those who are still unaware of Bilderberg it was started by a card carrying Nazi and financed by collaborators of the Nazis and works towards first establishing a fascist european government and then secondly a fascist world government which will be crowned after yet another engineered world war.

But now, let's get this straight.

The BNP want the banksters (the same banksters who bankrolled fascism in the first place via J P Morgan!) sent down while the UAF want to ban protests?!

Is this Alice in Wonderland? or 1984?

Say NO! to racism. I fully support that.

But let's get everything into perspective.

The word fascism should be used very carefully.

Black and white should unite to fight the real fascists; those Bilderbergers who really believe in true bona fide Nazi policies of global corporatism and murder, policies in effect today, and who financed those policies and continue to finance and implement those same policies today.

The race card is being played to divert anger away from the real culprits, who have been identified by the BNP; the banksters.

Thanks to the banksters, little old granny, be she black, white, or any colour, is going to get it. She is being killed off right here right now to pay for the bailout via the Liverpool Care Pathway. The policies being introduced now, such as for assisted suicide, are only the beginning. You will soon be bombarded with mercy killing propaganda.

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