
Friday, December 04, 2009


We don't need the banks.

They need us!

They need us because of the nature of our monetary system in which they make their money from us.

In the last ten years that monetary system has been useed and abused to great effect to stiff the whole world.

Most of the money in the world does not exist. It is only numbers on a spreadsheet. The privately owned banks create it either by a clerk entering some numbers or a computer program simply creates it!

But the banks cannot create that money whenever they want. There has to be demand from customers, i.e. us, the muggins Great British public.

So in the last ten years we were bombarded with easy credit and TV programmes on purchasing and/or developing property, encouraging us to take out more and larger mortgages. Once these mortgages had been issued the underlying debt was sold on, and sold on again, and then broken up and sold on again until nobody knew who owed what to whom.

But there are only a certain number of customers who could repay in full, so the whole scheme crashed.

But those in the know knew where to put their money and so they made massive profits out of everyone else's misery.

And they were mostly members of a Nazi secret society; BILDERBERG.

Goldman Sachs
Morgan (in all its forms)
Deutsche Bank
Banco Santander

These names created the financial derivatives that caused the crisis, these names are omnipresent at Bilderberg, and these names made a killing, literally!

So it breaks my heart to read this morning that our stupid arrogant government paid these f*&^ers for advice on what to do!!!

RBS, that almost brought the system to its knees, had two Bilderbergers on its board; Sutherland and McKillop.

And now threats are being issued that bankers will resign en masse if they don't get their bonuses. Defenders of such bankers are putting forth the argument that we need these bankers to repay the debt back to us after we bailed them out. But how are they going to do that? By employing the exact same strategies of gambling that got us into this mess in the first place!


What we need is
1. people who are prepared to work for the kingdom not themselves by investing in long term growth of the economy as a whole, not just the City
2. people who are prepared to rebuild the kingdom after this economic rape by clever but evil gamblers who scheme behind closed doors at Bilderberg
and most important,
3. people who are prepared to put some of these f&^%ers on trial for fraud

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